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Commercial Toilet Paper Dispensers


When selecting commercial toilet paper dispensers there are several points to consider. How much space do you have in the bathroom partition? Do you need to follow ADA compliance? What is the decor of the entire bathroom? Do you need a complete combination bathroom unit which holds toilet paper, seat covers, and offers a discrete trash can?  There are several selections including surface-mounted, recessed and partition-mounted units. Toilet paper holders come in single and multi-roll models many with locking units to prevent vandalism.

Toilet Tissue Dispenser Combination Units -
These combination units offer everything you need in a bathroom stall. Many units come with dual toilet tissue dispensers, napkin disposal and seat covers.

PARTITION MOUNTED COMBO UNIT – Seat Cover Dispenser with dual roll tissue holder and waste receptacle. This unit serves two compartments. Hinged access door allows servicing of components from one side.
Product Materials
Cabinet: 22 gauge stainless steel, welded construction with burr-free edges.
Flange: 22 gauge stainless steel, one-piece construction, 1" wide with 1/4" return.

Surface Mounted Dual Roll Toilet Tissue Dispenser
This dispenser is hinged at bottom.  Spindles are made from molded polyethylene.  Dispenser holds two standard core toilet tissue rolls through 5" in diameter one above the other.  When the first roll is used up, a fresh roll automatically drops down for use.  A unique retaining mechanism prevents use of spare roll until first roll is completely used.  The spindles are non-removable by the user.  The hinged door permits access to storage compartment for servicing of unit with the use of the Bradley key.

Jumbo Toilet Tissue Dispenser
This cabinet holds one roll (up to 10" diameter) of 1½", 2⅛" or 3" diameter core toilet tissue (by using core adaptors, p/n P10-707). Refill indicator slot reveals tissue level. Tumbler-locked door swings down to replenish tissue toll. For installation, verify all rough-in dimensions prior to installation. Secure unit to wall or toilet partitions with three screws (included) through mounting holes.

ADA Compliance
Read the ADAAG (The Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines) and consult with your local inspector to determine ADA Compliance.
ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG)

4.4 Protruding Objects.

4.4.1* General. Objects projecting from walls (for example, telephones) with their leading edges between 27 in and 80 in (685 mm and 2030 mm) above the finished floor shall protrude no more than 4 in (100 mm) into walks, halls, corridors, passageways, or aisles (see Fig. 8(a)). Objects mounted with their leading edges at or below 27 in (685 mm) above the finished floor may protrude any amount (see Fig. 8(a) and (b)). Free-standing objects mounted on posts or pylons may overhang 12 in (305 mm) maximum from 27 in to 80 in (685 mm to 2030 mm) above the ground or finished floor (see Fig. 8(c) and (d)). Protruding objects shall not reduce the clear width of an accessible route or maneuvering space (see Fig. 8(e)). Appendix Note

ADA Compliance





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